B - Shoe machinery

B08 - Managing handling and engineering

Handling and logistics in the factory. Suppliers of engineering in order to design and build industrial plants.

B08.01 - Production management softwares

Managing Information System (MIS) and/or remote control electronic devices for the entire shoe-making process or for specific production departments.

B08.02 - Shoe upper conveyor-systems

Electro-mechanical-conveyor equipped with trolleys or conveyor belt type, available with management computerized system, for handling semi-finished goods within the shoe upper closing department.

B08.03 - Lasting department conveyor-systems

Manual or mechanic conveyor system based on trolley that can transfer the semi-finished products sequentially along the assembly shoe department. Configurations with click-stop and continuous movement.

B08.04 - Belt conveyors

Continuous conveyor systems, allow move the semi-finished or finished product along the process path.

B08.05 - Manipulators of loading and unloading

Robots and handling devices of the semifinished product for loading-unloading from the conveyor system. Generally operate along automated lasting lines.

B08.06 - Turnkey footwear plants

Turnkey, completesupply of footwear plants. Executive planning, installation, testing and start-up.

B08.07 - Leather "horses" and Leather racks

Leather-holding stands with wheels (horse type) and trolley, or other system with permits the temporary stocking of hides or loading climatic chambers.