Laboratory machines for application test, process optimization and product quality control.
Laboratory machines for application test, process optimization and product quality control.
Laboratory experimental drum. Pilote system that replicate the production conditions on laboratory scale and helps to design and make new leather application and products.
Equipment consist in a series of testing drums rotating on the same axis and practically useful for any operation of wet-tannage. In particular for dyeing (color matching), tannage and fatliquoring. Testing drums front part is generally made of transparent polycarbonate.
Batch or vacuum dryers in laboratory scale, used for the development of leather drying processes. Work parameters such as temperature and relative humidity are controlled by PLC on board.
Leather manual spraying cabinet with filtration system. One/two hand spray guns equipped with a suction element and a pressure regulator. Used for the finishing test operation and sampling production.
Laboratory coating head by engraved roller for realize leather samples and test processing. Allows to achieve the same type of working application of the industrial scale machines.
Machinery and equipment for quality control laboratory (physical test) of leathers. The tests are performed according to regulatory and/or precise standards methodology such as ISO (International Standard Organization); IULTCS (International Union of Leather Technologists and Chemists Societies).
Machinery and equipment for quality control laboratory (chemical test) of leathers. The tests are performed according to regulatory and/or precise standards methodology such as ISO (International Standard Organization); IULTCS (International Union of Leather Technologists and Chemists Societies).