CIUCANI MOCASSINO MACHINERY is a company in Fermo operating in the footwear industry - a leader for over 40 years in the production of sewing machines.

CIUCANI MOCASSINO MAACHINERY has developed, patented, and improved machines to enable them both to execute stitching tasks that could previously only be done by hand, and to perform well-established operations ranging from “Moccasino”, “Ideal”, “San Crispino” and “Opanka” stitching, to “Ballerina”, “Invisible” and “Goodyear”.

Recently, we have recently designed and patented an innovative system for the production of glue-free footwear, that allows to produce various types of footwear, including sneakers and Goodyear.

Thanks to our long experience and constant collaboration with designers, pattern makers and all the players in the footwear supply chain, we can offer our customers the security of complete support.

Simac Tanning Tech 2024

39 0734 228582
+39 334 7027526

Contrada San Girolamo, 5
63900 FERMO (FM) - IT
