What are the exhibiting companies preparing for the next Simac Tanning Tech?

31 Июль 2021

The opening of the next edition of the International Technology Fair for the footwear, leather goods and tanning industries is just two months away and the ritual question is always the same. We tried to directly ask the organisers and exhibiting companies to give us some previews of what we will see at the fair and we took note of some important information.
First of all, there is a consolidation of the most representative products and technologies by individual companies with particular attention to “sustainability”. So far nothing really new except for the fact that technological solutions have to be sought in order to concretely respond to the issue and allow user companies to collect objective and direct data on the reduction of energy consumption, the use of resources and waste.
Secondly, the theme related to automation, now increasingly linked to digitisation. The information needs of manufacturing companies in all sectors are growing, and obviously also the sectors of the leather and fashion supply chain have intensely focused their objectives in the search for information on different levels: on a technical level linked to the production process, on a level related to quality and product traceability and semi-finished products, including the set of documents and tests, and finally relating to the control and management of the parameters that influence management, administrative and economic aspects.
Finally, the theme of flexibility and ease of use. Today more than ever, the industrial sector requires machines and equipment that easily respond to the required operations, where operators are not required to have particular skills and where thanks to versatility they can be employed both in small and medium-sized laboratories and in large productions. The minimum and simplified maintenance, including the most complex technical interventions carried out through remote instructions, is another reported feature.
In general, the features of these innovations are strictly connected to the technological changes taking place in sensors, in mechatronics and in the miniaturisation of the components installed on the machines.
But that is not all. And it couldn’t be all.
What is moving behind technological transformation is probably not visible on the surface but is hiding and evolving deep inside. Companies are increasingly aware that to provide the right technology it is essential to know how to move both within their own supply chain to understand needs and provide answers, and outside by creating strategic alliances and networks
for the transfer of solutions used in others sectors.
In other words, there is no innovation that is good for everyone, the real innovation on show at the next Simac Tanning Tech edition is the one that my company has not yet applied and that represents the answer to my problems.
When we go to the doctor we do not ask what new drugs exist but we start by describing in detail our symptoms. With the same logic, the visitor must confront the technology provider and together identify an already present solution or study a new one.
On 22 September at Rho Fiera Milano it will be “back to the fair” also in terms of technology presentation. Those who have the opportunity to move between the stands will be able to observe what is visible and will be able to investigate the development potential of technologies within their own production process.

SimacTanningTech| 2021

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