Solidarietà senza confini: dal Vietnam mascherine per ASSOMAC

10 Апрель 2020

Un gesto di solidarietà forte quello che è arrivato dal Vietnam, precisamente dal "Vietnam Leather and Shoes research Institute" (LSI), che ha inviato ad ASSOMAC 2.000 mascherine riutilizzabili.

Riportiamo qui di seguito la lettera scritta dal Direttore del Dipartimento di Scienza e Tecnologia del LSI, Dr. Le Tran Vu Anh, e la risposta del Direttore Vago.

Il titolo della lettera "Together in the fight against the covid-19 pandemic" "Insieme nella lotta contro la pandemia del covid-19" ci fa capire quanto i rapporti che sono stati costruiti in questi anni vadano ben al di là dei semplici rapporti di business.


Dear Mr. Pucci, Mr. Vago,

My name is Le Tran Vu Anh from the Leather and Shoe Research Institute (LSI), Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam.

First of all, on behalf of LSI, I would like to send my respectful greetings and best wishes to you and ASSOMAC.

The coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) is affecting and damaging many countries around the world, including Italy and Vietnam.

In the spirit of Together in the fight against the covid-19 pandemic, We would like to send you some facial masks. Quantity is 2,000 pcs.

Because the shipping is very difficult, so we sent it to the Embassy of Italy in Vietnam to shipping it to Milan, Italy.

We wish all of you a safe and healthful.



Information of the facial masks: A 3-layer cloth mask, containing an antibacterial layer, is used repeatedly after each washing (30 washings). These are the facial masks that we are using everyday. Washing before first use.

We would like to enclose the quality certificate of the facial mask product.

In addition, in each mask pack inside the packages (pack of 5 or 10 pieces, there is information of the product, certified by the manufacturer).


Best Regards,


MSc. Le Tran Vu Anh

Head of Department of Science & Technology,

Vietnam Leather and Shoes research Institute (LSI).

Ministry of Industry and Trade of The S.R. of Vietnam.




We are so glad to be receiving the tangible signs of your closeness to Italian friends in these very hard times.

The pandemic situation might have the side effect of compromising current relationships between countries, but we think that the spirit of solidarity should never be forgotten.

Please accept our warmest gratitude from all the Assomac team, our President Gabriella Bocca and myself.

Hope to see you soon.


Thank you again.

Roberto Vago

Paese: Вьетнам
LSI| Vietnam| Covid19

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