The updated Imort/Export tariff on China leather products for 2023

20 一月 2023

According to the Announcement of the Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council on Adjusting the Tariffs in 2023 (the 2023 Tariff Adjustment Plan), in 2023, China will impose tariffs on 8,948 tax items, and the country’s overall tariff level will be reduced from 7.4 percent to 7.3 percent. There are total 289 tax items of leather products for import from most-favored-nation, these remain the same the average import tariff of 8.58% as in 2023. See tables in Trade Policy Implications of a Changing World: Tariffs and ... -  [2023 Import-Export Tariffs in China - China Briefing]



Customs of the People's Republic of China has updated the import and export tariff in 2023, which has come into effect on January 1. Here are the brief introduction to the changes and features of the import tariff for leather products. Import tariffs for most-favored-nation remain the same.

Tariff changes for the import from the Free Trade Agreements’ (FTA) countries

Up to now, China has signed a total of 19 free trade agreements and preferential trade arrangements (including bilateral or multilateral free trade areas) and come into force.

Such as RCEP, the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement, free trade agreements or preferential trading arrangements between China and ASEAN, Iceland, Georgia, Pakistan, the Republic of Korea, Switzerland, Costa Rica, Peru, Cambodia, Australia, Mauritius, New Zealand, Singapore, Chile, and the region agreement of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.

Import tariffs in the seven FTAs see further reduced from January 1, 2023, they are the FTA with countries and regions of Iceland, Pakistan, South Korea, Switzerland, Mauritius, Singapore and region of Taiwan.

There eight FTAs enjoy zero import tariffs

There are 8 countries and regions with zero import tariff rate for all tax items of leather products, namely Georgia, Costa Rica, Australia, Cambodia, New Zealand, Chile, and regions of Hong Kong and Macao.

The provisional reduced import duty rates for 12 items of leather products remain unchanged in 2023, the products involved in the leather industry include 2 items for leather chemicals, 6 for semi-finished leather, 3 for raw fur and 1 for footwear.

The zero-tariff treatment to leather products from 44 least developed countries that have established diplomatic relations with China and completed the formalities of exchange of documents in 2023. The categories of commodities to preferential tariff and the tariff rate will remain the same.

Export tariffs for 2 items under the 4103 catalogue will continue to be imposed in 2023,

How RCEP Will Benefit Export Trade between China, Japan, and South Korea


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