Mauritania signs green hydrogen MoU with German focus

09 三月 2023

An international consortium led by a German company signed a $34 billion deal to produce “green hydrogen” in Mauritania. [Consortium signs $34 bln MoU for hydrogen project ... - Nasdaq – synopsis Semafor]



Total investment in the project equals more than three times Mauritania’s yearly GDP. The project will have a production capacity of up to 8 million tons of green hydrogen annually, equivalent to about 25% of the current hydrogen production of China, the world’s largest producer. Green hydrogen uses renewable energy to split H molecules out of water, but largely remains prohibitively expensive, with most hydrogen today currently “gray” — derived from fossil fuels, without carbon capture — or to a lesser extent “blue,” which utilizes carbon-capture technology.

Paese: 德国| 毛里塔尼亚
idrogeno verde| energia rinnovabile| consorzio

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