Inspiramais successfully completes first edition of 2023

01 二月 2023

The 27th edition of Inspiramais, which took place from January 24 to 26 at the Events Center of the Federation of Industries of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (FIERGS), in Porto Alegre, had double-digit growth in business. The fair that revealed trends in inputs and materials for the footwear, clothing, accessories and home industry is the only one of its kind in the region. [Inspiramais conclui primeira edição de 2023 com êxito- Fashion network]



In total, 150 Brazilian exhibitors attended the arrival of more than 7,000 visitors and buyers from more than 20 countries in search of insum, labor, finished products, technology, trends and more. The delegations with the most participation in the event were those from Mexico, Argentina, the United States, Portugal, Peru and China.

According to the Brazilian Association of Companies of Components for Leather, Footwear and Manufactures (Assintecal) and the Brazilian Agency for The Promotion of Exports and Investments (Apex-Brasil), organizers of the event, the first edition of 2023 inspiramais had 825 business meetings, 17% more than that recorded in the July edition.

The fair had the same number of buyers and exhibitors, however, there was a greater variety in the participation of countries and a double-digit business increase. It is estimated that the industry has completely overcome the pandemic and is looking to the future with good eyes.

Official data from Assintecal show that between January and October 2022 more than US$350 million were exported in components, mainly to Latin American and European countries, or 14% more than in 2021, and the double-digit growth trend is expected to continue this year.

"We closed 2022 with a record exports of US$421 million, most of our exports go to Latin America," said Luiz Ribas, international market manager at Assintecal.

Brazil has about 2,400 fashion, technology and chemical companies that employ more than 100,000 people and generate revenues of about $4 billion. These companies are located mainly in Rio Grande do Sul and São Paulo.


Paese: 巴西
Componenti| materie prime| INSPIRAMAIS| calzature| fiera| pelle| Abbigliamento| accessori.

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