A model for financial inclusion of SMEs in Kenya

06 十二月 2022

Relocation and OEMs have not been an engine of development in Africa. In Kenya, the focus has been placed on SMEs. President Ruto launched microloans for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and seed loans, through the Hustler Fund. $23,7 million: the amount (2.9 billion Kenyan shillings) that had been borrowed by Kenyans from President William Ruto’s Hustler Fund since it went live on Nov. 30. 



The fund, a campaign pledge by Ruto, is designed for individuals and small businesses which can borrow up to KSh. 5 million ($41,000). Some 8.4 million Kenyans have already registered for the fund on digital platforms through which they can borrow between $4 and $410 via mobile USSD codes if they are approved.

It is an exciting time for hustlers looking to grow their businesses courtesy of the fund. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you draw up that business proposal—a requirement in the loan application:

  • Every business requires key resources to perform its key activities that deliver value to the ultimate paying client. Just engage your mind to profile your client segment(s) carefully and to understand how they will be served best cost-effectively.
  • No business is small as long as it has a large potential market - the people with the profile for its target market can be reached economically wherever they are in large numbers.


Paese: 肯尼亚
Prestiti| Delocalizazione| OEM| INCLUSIONE| PMI| hustler fund

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