Artificial intelligence (AI) and retail

22 مارس 2023

As the world's largest search engines unveiled new AI robots, the artificial intelligence (AI) is taking hold in  the value chain of fashion accessories, furniture, apparel and footwear, from optimizing resale experiences, helping shoppers find products that are suitable for reducing returns and customizing the purchase journey.



Retailers are buying into AI technologies, both figuratively and literally. Coresight Research predicts that global retail spend on AI will reach $8.5 billion this year, up from $7 billion in 2022 and projects a 24 percent compound annual growth rate (CAGR) through 2030.

Three of the world’s largest search engines unveiled new artificial-intelligence tools. Microsoft Bing allowed users to tell its ChatGPT-powered search engine to create images on demand using the DALL·E model. Google’s Bard, which had a rocky start in February when it spat out falsehoods during a demo, was released to a limited user base on Tuesday: It’s fast and fluid, reviews said, but limited. And China’s Baidu released Ernie Bot, but it faces what one reviewer described as “a huge gap” with its U.S. rivals. Meanwhile, Adobe released an image-generator AI trained on its own image library, and unveils, at a conference Adobe Summit in Las Vegas on March 22, the new ‘Fast Filtered’ AI tool for retailers’ product searches.

Adobe said it is trying to replicate the experience of a personal shopper with this new software. The tool has three features to help shoppers sift through search results: product differences, custom dimensions and product removal.

This personalization feature is currently being mock tested for furniture products and athleisure fashion gear. According to Adobe, these categories appeal to a wide audience while showcasing all the new capabilities in one place.

This is the latest move by the software giant to stake its claim in the commerce space. Adobe owns the enterprise e-commerce platform Adobe Commerce — previously called Magento — which works with retailers like Dick’s Sporting Goods and Home Depot to name a few. By introducing another paid commercial tool for merchants to invest in, this new project presents another way for the company to work directly with retailers and further its commerce ambitions.


Paese: الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
adobe| google| Arredamento| dettaglianti| intelligenza artificiale (IA)| accessori moda| catene del valore| Microsoft| baidu| abbigliamento e calzature

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